Zhang, DahaoPatent Attorney, Lawyer

  • Education
    • Biochemistry, M.S.
    • Bioengineering, B.S.
  • Language
    • English, Chinese
  • Technical field
    • Mechanical Materials, Biochemistry
  • Career
    • Mr. Dahao Zhang graduated from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, majoring in Biochemistry. He began to work in the IP field in 2007. Before joining our firm, he worked in a well-know IP firm where he edited English abstract and index for published Chinese patent as patent attorney. He is currently responsible for patent application and drafting in our firm.
    • Mr. Zhang’s practice includes high-quality drafting for new patent application, responding to OA and reexamination in the fields of pharmaceutical, biology, chemistry, chemical industry, materials, etc. Mr. Zhang has handled a number of cases involves foreign patent drafting, applications, and responding to office action. He is also recognized by clients for his professional attitude and achievement, and has received many letters of thanks and appreciations.
  • Publications / Articles